Leave Your Comfort Zone

Witness The Ground Realities

Get inspired by real life heroes

Learn The Keys To Success

achieve more than you dream

Empathy Connects is a for-impact initiative built with an objective of connecting and engaging motivated individuals with existing social development movements across India. We envision a society more equal, just and deeply connected with empathy.   

Empathy Connects Yatras

<a href="https://empathyconnects.org/uttar-yatra/"><div class="box"><p><img src="https://149800337.v2.pressablecdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/home-page-trip-imagesUK.jpg" alt="" /></p><h4 class="mendo-links">Uttarakhand</h4><p><img class="mendo-lines" src="https://149800337.v2.pressablecdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/LINES2.png" alt="" /></p><div class="overbox"><p><img class="mendo-links-outline" src="https://149800337.v2.pressablecdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/outline.png" alt="" /></p><div class="title overtext"><p class="mendo-links-title">Uttar Yatra</p></div><div class="tagline overtext"><p class="mendo-links-description">An expedition to meet real life heroes who braved Uttarakhand disaster. With Goonj..A Voice, an effort...</p><p class="mendo-links-read-more"> Apply Before 20th May 2019</p></div></div></div></a>
<a href="https://empathyconnects.org/pvk-dialogue/"><div class="box"><p><img src="https://149800337.v2.pressablecdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/deer-park-Bir-himachal.jpg" alt="" /></p><h4 class="mendo-links">Himachal</h4><p><img class="mendo-lines" src="https://149800337.v2.pressablecdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/LINES2.png" alt="" /></p><div class="overbox"><p><img class="mendo-links-outline" src="https://149800337.v2.pressablecdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/outline.png" alt="" /></p><div class="title overtext"><p class="mendo-links-title">PVK Dialogue</p></div><div class="tagline overtext"><p class="mendo-links-description">A Rural Immersion program to understand development by questioning its basics</p><p class="mendo-links-read-more">Concluded on 10th April 2019</p></div></div></div></a>
<a href="https://empathyconnects.org/halma-yatra/"><div class="box"><p><img src="https://149800337.v2.pressablecdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/HPtripdisplay.jpg" alt="" /></p><h4 class="mendo-links">Madhya Pradesh</h4><p><img class="mendo-lines" src="https://149800337.v2.pressablecdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/LINES2.png" alt="" /></p><div class="overbox"><p><img class="mendo-links-outline" src="https://149800337.v2.pressablecdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/outline.png" alt="" /></p><div class="title overtext"><p class="mendo-links-title">Halma Yatra: Season 2</p></div><div class="tagline overtext"><p class="mendo-links-description">Witness a water conservation movement by tribals and experience their amazing culture in Feb 2018.</p><p class="mendo-links-read-more"> Recently Concluded</p></div></div></div></a>

Empathy Connects made it possible to have a glimpse of the ground reality of the problems that people face. Also, how efficiently Goonj is working in such remote areas in solving them. The participants in this yatra were from different fields and age groups, but having an empathy towards the society, that took the learnings of this yatra to a whole new level. All in all, it was a life changing experience for me.

– Sonu Kumar

IIT Roorkee

I.O.C.L, Panipat

The EC Yatra was an awesome travelling cum learning experience. It had made me realize that there is huge gap between our perception about reality and actual reality. Met wonderful people and found a bonding of lifetime. Thank you EC team for organizing the Yatra and looking forward to have more yatras.

– Shivani Aggarwal

Asst. Professor

A.I.M.T, Greater Noida

The Empathy Connects Yatra was a highly enriching experience in many ways. The people I could meet, the places I saw and the learning, all of this and much more made the experience totally worth it. Highly recommend it to all!

– Ashwin Dubey

Fellow, Teach For India

New Delhi

Experiencing the life of people living in remote villages in hills without any electricity or internet, work of GOONJ on ground even in harsh climatic conditions and the path we travelled was incredible. Travelling companions, sometimes play a huge role in deciding the nature of journey. Travelling and living with “Empathy Connects” team and ‘Yatris’ from all over India, having their own thoughts and beliefs was refreshing and a huge space for learning.

– Archana

Resource person

Azim Premji Foundation

I always wondered how empathy will look like in a larger group. During Uttar Yatra, I got to experience how beautiful it can look like. Blessed with beautiful bonds with people around me. I was privileged enough to travel to hidden places with a diverse group where constantly learning exchange was taking place.

– Sandhya

Student, Ambedkar University

New Delhi

Empathy Connects
wherever we go!

Email: connect@empathyconnects.org

Call: +91 99307 48239

        +91 78957 94177

An initiative of Tathaastu Social Initiatives, a Society registered in Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh (India).